What did CNN’s Chris Cillizza say last year?
Oh, yeah. That’s right.
“Let me say for the billionth time: Reporters don’t root for a side. Period.“
Uh huh. And former Vice President Joe Biden’s cognitive ability is normal.
On Wednesday, Washington Post congressional reporter Rachael Bade tweeted out a photo of her and four of her colleagues ostensibly celebrating President Donald Trump’s impeachment.
“Merry Impeachmas from the WaPo team! [Paul Kane] is buying … w/[Karoun Demirjian] [Seung Min Kim] [Mike DeBonis],” she said in a now-deleted tweet.
Here is the photo:
Funny enough. According to Newsbusters, three of the five individuals featured in the picture are CNN political analysts. You don’t say!
Because Bade was inundated with a barrage of criticism, she deleted the tweet and issued a statement:
“I’m deleting a tweeting tonight that is being misinterpreted by some as an endorsement of some kind. To be absolutely clear, we at the Post are merely glad we are getting a break for the holidays after a long 3 months. I will retweet the group photo w/ a better caption!”
The Internet never forgets. The Internet remembers …. forever!
All the morons did was show how biased they are and how low journalism has sunk. Then after they realize how stupid they are, they take down the video. This is part of the reason why people don’t trust the media anymore and why newspapers will be a thing of the past in the future. It’s just sickening and sad that there is no objectivity in journalism anymore, just subjective morons like this crew.
Got to love journalists who can’t say what they mean. Oh, I was only happy about having time off, so we captioned the photo, Happy Impeachmus. Duhhh… Yeah, no one is buying it.