News Story of the Day: Bloomberg News published an interesting piece of analysis that found the banking sector eliminated 77,780 jobs this year, the most since 2015 when the industry culled 91,448 jobs. In the last six years, there have been more than 425,000 job losses, but it might be a lot higher since these institutions do not publicly disclose all their human resource decisions. Unsurprisingly, Europe accounted for 82 percent of the cuts this year because of subzero interest rates eating away at lending revenues and the global trade war impacting international commerce.
Chart of the Day: There is no inflation if you don’t live in a house, eat food, or receive medical care.
Illustration of the Day: Hunter Biden shovels his driveway.
Quote of the Day: You gotta love the snarks and sarcasm by the Washington Free Beacon on this one! Max Boot: Man of the Year!
Max Boot does not do half measures. He always brings the Maximum Bootness to his takes.
After all, this is the author of “18 Reasons Trump Could Be a Russian Asset” we’re talking about. This is the man who brings remarkable variety to his content, such as how he won’t vote for Republicans, won’t vote for Trump, will vote Democrat, and will never, ever vote Republican.
Boot personifies the age-old question: if a NeverTrumper doesn’t remind us every 20 minutes he’s a NeverTrumper, has he died?
So nailing the president in this case required praising the most agreed-upon bastard in the known universe. Take note, Resistance members: This is how you do it.
Alas, Boot did not have the courage to stand by his description of the fallen austere religious scholar. He deleted the sentence after social media “backlash.”
Yet in this sad ending to the tale, we learn a valuable lesson. Boot, believe it or not, is just a man. Even he can fall short of his own lofty standards, just like the rest of us.
Sometimes, we’re just a Minimum Shoe.
We should always strive to be a Max Boot, a Washington Free Beacon Man of the Year.
Tweet of the Day: Hiyoooo….
To be fair, maybe we all needed some safety tips after what the government just did to us passing that omnibus spending bill.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) December 27, 2019
Video of the Day: Finally, a liberty position by a Democrat. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is proposing no jail time for possessing any drug, including meth and heroin. Good for him! Now, free drug dealers, too!
(h/t/ Robert Wenzel)
Max Boot: Man of the Year?
More like stick Max Boot up his (own) ass.