Well, the left is apparently anti-war again now that President Donald Trump launched airstrikes in Iraq and killed Iran’s top general Qassem Soleimani.
On Saturday, dozens of demonstrations were planned to condemn the U.S. government’s killing of Soleimani.
Some of the top destinations for the protests are at the White House, in Times Square, and at Trump Tower in Chicago.
Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), a U.S.-based anti-war coalition, said in a statement:
“The targeted assassination and murder of a central leader of Iran is designed to initiate a new war. Unless the people of the United States rise up and stop it, this war will engulf the whole region and could quickly turn into a global conflict of unpredictable scope and potentially the gravest consequences.”
It is unclear how many plan to attend, but The Hill notes: “…nearly 300 people indicated interest in a Facebook event for a protest in Madison, Wis., along with nearly 200 people for protests in Chicago and Burlington, Vt.”
Where were these people during the reign of former President Barack Obama when he bombed eight countries, destroyed Libya, destabilized a region, and killed two American citizens without trial.
The anti-war left is a myth. It is only around when a Republican is president.
Sure, join them, but don’t take them seriously.
Only a Socialist / Communist would be upset with the death of a known Murder / Terrorist.