What is with presidents and presidential candidates wanting to expand executive power? They don’t even hide it anymore, declaring to the world that they are a king or a queen who can just get what needs to be done by a phone call and a pen.
Case in point, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).
She recently announced that she would order her Secretary of Education to cancel up to $50,000 in college debt for 95 percent of borrowers on her first day in the Oval Office. This would affect 42 million Americans and cost up to $2.1 trillion.
Imagine that. She isn’t even in office for 24 hours and right away she spends $2.1 trillion. Yikes!
More from the Associated Press:
And Warren promised that on her first day in office, she’d empower the secretary of education to limit the for-profit college industry and crack down on “predatory” student lending. Noting that black students default on college loans at more than twice the rate of their white counterparts, the senator said she’d order the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights to investigate the core causes of and help rectify racial disparities in student borrowing.
In announcing Tuesday’s plan, Warren’s campaign released a letter from three experts at the Legal Services Center at Harvard Law School, where Warren was a professor. They examined the authority granted by statute to the secretary of education and found what Warren was proposing to be “a lawful and permissible use of the authority Congress has conferred” on the department.
These folks are terrifying.
That’s CRAZY! The nation cannot afford all the CRAZY that today’s Democrats promise. Why should 10% of the population get a break on what the owe. Where is my $50,000 to pay off my house. Oh, I better be quite that is coming next, I am sure, but I would be ok with that, NOT!