Tom Steyer, the billionaire who has zero shot of becoming president, recently slammed private school and school choice. This would not be that much of a story if it were not for the fact that he sent his own kids to private school.
The Washington Free Beacon has the story:
Records indicate that Steyer’s four children—all of whom are now adults—attended San Francisco University High School as adolescents. His son Sam was a member of the class of 2006, while Gus Steyer was in the class of 2008. His daughter Evi appears to have graduated in 2009, while Henry Steyer’s page on Harvard’s official athletics website notes his high school without specifying his graduation year.
According to tax forms obtained by ProPublica, the school took in $26.5 million of revenue in 2017 and claims to hold $77 million in assets. It sprawls across four buildings, boasting amenities including science laboratories, a student center, and a 400-seat theater. It has a six-to-one student to teacher ratio, the same as Harvard University.
This is the second time that the Democrats’ hypocrisy on this issue was exposed.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) also slammed school choice and told a person that her kids went to public school. Here is the thing, reports Reason:
A day later, the Warren campaign told Fox News: “Elizabeth’s daughter went to public school. Her son went to public school until fifth grade.” So, yes, they both went to public schools. It’s just that one of them also went to a private school. To more than one private school, in fact: After the controversy hit, one of Alex Warren’s classmates sent his high school yearbook photo to The Federalist, showing that he attended Haverford School while Elizabeth was teaching at the University of Pennsylvania. Haverford’s high school tuition and fees are currently set at $39,500.
Warren was so “#PublicSchoolProud” that she decided to send her son Alex to expensive private schools for the majority of his K–12 education. And I don’t blame her! I’m happy they had that option. But maybe Elizabeth Warren shouldn’t fight tooth and nail against extending similar opportunities to poor families.
Since then, Warren has spiraled downward in both the polls and the prediction markets. The latest nationwide survey, from Quinnipiac, shows a 14-point drop from last month. But Warren might be able to regain some ground by actually listening to what a majority of minority families want for their kids: school choice. It also wouldn’t hurt for the senator to try not to mislead people.
Why can’t parents be given the same option as these affluent elites? It’s absurd!
The big D next to the dimwits name stands for Double Standard or no standard at all. The big D means do as I say not as I do. And the RINOs in Congress are right there with them on every vote, to increase their power.