Before we go any further, let’s just get this out of the way: Slavery is wrong. It is a black eye on America’s history.
Now, slavery was not only found in the United States. In fact, slavery existed long before the United States was founded. Slavery could be found throughout Asia, Africa, and South America.
Egypt’s pyramids were built with slave labor. Africans enslaved other Africans. Even today, slavery is ubiquitous in Libya.
But don’t tell that to Senator Tim Kaine. He thinks the U.S. invented slavery.
Don’t believe it?
Here is Tim Kaine:
“The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it.”
Sen. Tim Kaine: “The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it.”
— The Hill (@thehill) June 16, 2020
And this guy is a sitting senator and could have been vice president. But you can get many leftists believe this fairy tale. If you go to CHAZ (or CHOP) in Seattle and you asked the leftists who invented slavery, you can bet most would say America.
Insert facepalm here.
THAT is one of the results of government education in the United States.
I don’t know how Tim Kaine came about his stupidity. Maybe he got it the old-fashioned way: By reading The New York Slimes.
Or maybe his dim-bulb Antifa-loving son educated him on the subject.
But this moron almost became Vice-President of the United States four long years ago. He should be sent to a re-education camp for expressing that idea.