It’s the end of days! The end is nigh! The apocalypse is coming!
Are the best days behind us? Not if the Federal Reserve keeps printing the amount of money it has been doing in the last three months.
But a new report from a titan of Wall Street suggests there is a one-in-three chance that a massive disaster could strike the world that would be worse than COVID-19.
According to Deutsche Bank, one of four things could happen:
– A major solar flare.
– A global war.
– A catastrophic volcanic eruption.
– A major influenza pandemic killing more than two million people.
We were supposed to have a major solar flare a few years ago that would have disrupted satellites, but it never came to fruition.
A global war might happen, but it would be different from the wars of the past, probably more digital.
A global influenza pandemic? Maybe, but the world may have learned its lessons from COVID-19.
Therefore, a catastrophic volcanic eruption seems more than likely, particularly at Yellowstone Caldera because it hasn’t erupted in 630,000 years.
How can you even protect your money in any of these events? Gold is probably your best bet, but when the world is coming to an end because of a huge volcanic eruption, there isn’t much you can do except hop in your car, get plenty of gasoline, and seek shelter.
Get ready!
No banking collapse?