The world’s new favorite pastime might be to visit the World Economic Forum (WEF) website more often.
Apparently, every time someone is elected to a head of state position, it would be a good idea to check WEF to see if that person is a member.
Well, to no one’s shock, Liz Truss, the new British prime minister, is a WEF member.
So, who is she exactly?
Liberty Nation’s Mark Angelides makes an important point:
“Truss was appointed Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs in 2021. Since then, she has traveled the globe signing individual bespoke trade deals with scores of countries, largely proving the Brexit naysayers wrong in their apocalyptic prognostications of British isolation. Despite being against Brexit initially, Truss appears to have embraced the moment and the movement. For the press, this switching of allegiance seems to rank alongside that ignominy of Benedict Arnold.”
If we now have a prime minister who is a puppet for the world Economic Forum our freedoms and human rights are definitely going to be taken away unless lizz truss turns against the EXTREMELY Evil world Economic Forum crime syndicate. Unfortunately the Tory government is Already Extremely corrupt and are also a Tory crime syndicate who are treating the hard working taxpayers like cattle we are nothing but cash cows and have lost much of a true democracy in Britain and the world Economic Forum have established capitalism. The world Economic Forum will not stop until they have full control and enslavement over our lives taking away our freedoms and our human rights and establishing their new world order under the Guise of the great reset and peace and security. The great news is many people are waking up to the true reality of this very Evil world crime syndicate. Humanity always wins and these controling Elites always loose when trying to enslave All of humanity. The Egyptian empire failed, the Greek empire failed, the Roman empire failed, the ottoman empire failed. Hitler failed and the European Union is also going to break up like iron and clay mixed together. Britain has thankfully gotten out first as the Europe is Europa the woman who rides the beast mystery Babylon prophecy from the book of revelation.