Where is all this money coming from? That is the question you will be asking after President-Elect Joe Biden unveils his spending package proposal to “to combat the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on the economy, with an initial focus on large-scale expansions of the nation’s vaccination program and virus testing capacity.” According to The […]
COVID-19 and the Socialist Calculation Problem
By: Patrick Barron One hundred years ago Ludwig von Mises wrote the definitive exposure of the impossibility of socialism: “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth.” In a recent Mises Wire essay—”Socialist Robert Heilbroner’s Confession in 1990: ‘Mises Was Right.’“—Gary North sums up the socialist problem succinctly (his emphasis). But Heilbroner failed to present the central argument that Mises had offered. Mises was not talking about the […]
Price inflation hits four-month high as gasoline, food jump in December
Consumer prices increased by the most in four months in December. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), price inflation rose 0.4% last month, up from the 0.2% bump in November. The increase was driven by gains the things you need: gasoline, food, shelter, and apparel. Is this the beginning of surging price inflation? […]
PBS employee wants to put Trump supporters’ kids in re-education camps
By: Andrew Moran In post-Trump America, the militant left is out for revenge, channeling the spirits of authoritarian ideologies and despotic leaders. Blacklisting, censoring, purging, and re-educating are the hallmarks of communist societies, and radical leftists are exploiting these tools to crack down on conservatives, libertarians, and Trumplicans. In many cases, targets and victims of the […]
YouTube suspends Trump’s account account, refuses to identify violating content
Big Tech’s crusade to silence President Donald Trump kicked it up a notch on Tuesday night. Google suspended the president’s YouTube account and disabled its comments. The company confirmed that it issued the White House a warning for violating its terms of service. Google maintains a three-strike rule, and the first strike results in a […]