By: Andrew Moran In the world of economics, one of the primary headline makers in 2020 was the Federal Reserve System. The U.S. central bank embarked upon an unprecedented monetary policy, unleashing unlimited quantitative easing, slashing interest rates to historic lows, and bailing out Corporate America (again). With a balance sheet adding trillions of dollars, critics fear there is a […]
You can now trade water on the CME like other commodities
Are you to ready buy a June contract for water? For the first time in the United States, water will be joining gold, crude oil, and other commodities on Wall Street. Beginning this week, hedge funds and armchair investors are can bet on or hedge against water scarcity on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Futures […]
In October, Money Supply Growth Remained Near All-Time Highs
By: Ryan McMaken In October, money supply growth fell slightly from September’s all-time high, although growth still remains at levels that would have been considered outlandish just eight months ago. October’s easing in money-supply growth comes after eight months of record-breaking growth in the US which came in the wake of unprecedented quantitative easing, central bank asset purchases, and various […]
RIP: Economist and champion of liberty Walter Williams has died
Well, a heavyweight has passed away: Walter Williams. Wiliams was a free-market economist who was as influential as Thomas Sowell. He did a great job providing economic analysis for the layman, ditching the technical stuff. Williams was also phenomenal in exposing the socialists, progressive racists, and the anti-capitalists. Also, check this out from the Economic […]
Federal Reserve’s easy money policies to boost equities until mid-2021
In one of those “well, duh” stories, a new forecast predicted that the Federal Reserve’s easy money mechanisms will drive the equity markets until the middle of next year. According to Max Life Insurance, India’s largest non-bank private life insurance company, equities markets will continue to surge until mid-2021, thanks to ultra-low interest rates and […]