By: Joe Schaeffer Brimming with confidence that the despised outsider usurper who held them back is on his way out, the Swamp critters are rustling again, and they’re not making any bones about their intention of putting the cronyist insider globalist band back together. Internationalism FirstFormer Defense Secretary James Mattis has put an exclamation point on why […]
JOURNALISM: Media fawns over Biden adopting a cat, reports on a pet psychic
Are you ready for some hard-hitting journalism for the next four years? After taking a breather from actual reporting during the reign of former President Barack Obama, journalists returned with a vengeance and attempted to exact revenge for Hillary Clinton’s epic 2016 loss. The Fourth Estate went on a fake news spree, handwringing about Russia, […]
Happy Thanksgiving to all ECN readers!
Economic Collapse News would like to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving! It has been at trying year, so do find the time to be grateful for the little things. If you happen to see Andrew Cuomo or Gavin Newsom outside your window, be sure to close the blinds or curtains.
Goldman Sachs, Citi betting on $2,000 gold in 2021
Is the bull market for gold over? Bullion buying has subsided since Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca announced mostly effective coronavirus vaccines. As much as $4 billion has been removed from gold markets. It would be easy to think that gold would not top $2,000 again, or that silver’s explosive rally is complete. But Goldman Sachs […]
Is Joe Biden’s Cabinet Made in China?
During the 2020 election campaign, President Donald Trump and his supporters labeled Joe Biden as “Beijing Biden,” accusing him of being soft on China and allowing his son, Hunter, to allegedly profit off the vice presidency. As Joe Biden puts together his Cabinet ahead of Inauguration Day in January 2021, names are being announced and floated around […]