Will CNN have wall-to-wall coverage of India interfering in the 2020 presidential election? Will CNN reporters dumpster dive in New Delhi? Will CNN contributors call for the bombing of the Taj Mahal? A new report reveals that former Vice President Joe Biden’s Twitter accoutn was given a “sizazble boost” soon after picking Senator Kamala Harris […]
Will Libertarians have a say in #election2020? They might in these three states
By: Tho Bishop For a short period of time, America’s libertarian moment was a go-to topic for political pundits in a variety of publications. Since 2016, the role of libertarians in political discourse has tended to devolve away from a relevant political demographic into a weird scapegoat for the Left and Right. From the left, […]
CNN Guest: ‘Donald Trump is not an Adolf Hitler. At least Hitler improved the daily life of his followers’
With only hours until the 2020 presidential election, leftists are using every last trick in the book to oust President Donald Trump from the White House. And that includes hyperbole, no matter how nonsensical it is. Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine and frequent guest on CNN and MSNBC, […]
LOL: One minute of Kamala Harris laughing
One of the most annoying things about Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is her incessant laughing. It can be charming at first because it is a nice laugh, but she does it over and over … and over again. It eventually wants to make you throw up. The Washington Free Beacon put together a minute-long compilation […]
Social media giants admit #HunterBiden laptop story was not fake news
By: Graham Noble Anyone who watched the October 28 Senate Commerce Committee hearing, and is not immortal, might have regretted the time they will never get back. It was mostly a pointless escapade during which the CEOs of tech giants Facebook, Google, and Twitter appeared to be entirely unaware that their online platforms were engaging in outrageous […]