How does the Federal Reserve influence financial markets? Exhibit No. 3223: Buying bonds. Thanks to the Fed’s aggressive bond-buying campaign – government and corporate – a record $170 billion flooded into bond exchange-traded funds (ETFs) year-to-date. This is up from $154 billion in all of 2019. Following the steep coronavirus-induced selloff that spawned a liquidity […]
How bad is the U.S. economy without stimulus?
Fiscal stimulus talks fail, market tanks. Fiscal stimulus talks back on, market rallies. Rinse and repeat. The financial markets had a roller coaster ride this week because of President Donald Trump canceling and then restarting fiscal stimulus negotiations. But how bad is the U.S. economy and the overall stock market if they rely so much […]
#BuildBackBetter becomes the globalists’ newest rallying cry
By: Andrew Moran Every generation or so, globalists will conspire to devise a scheme masked as a benevolent campaign to rescue humanity from the tolling of the bell. Climate change or the coronavirus – each crusade initiated by the socialist left ensures the population is in perpetual fear of whatever it is they vow will imminently eviscerate civilization. The […]
Uh, CNN? Joe Biden caught misusing face mask AGAIN
When former Vice President Joe Biden becomes the 46th president, he is going to be one of the funniest in U.S. history. Although he probably won’t be president for long, Bidenisms will go down in history. The latest example of Biden gaffeing, as well as the mainstream media keeping quiet, is his misuse of the […]
How many times will Trump need to condemn white supremacists to make the press happy?
By: Andrew Moran To paraphrase British poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways.” Contrary to popular opinion – correction, mainstream media opinion – President Donald Trump is not endorsing the philosophy behind white supremacy, hanging out with grand wizards in the Oval Office, and reciting passages from Mein Kampf at […]