By: Andrew Moran One of former President Ronald Reagan’s favorite Soviet Union jokes involved a government official, a farmer, and potatoes. The Russian commissar visits the collective farms to examine the state of the harvest. The farmer tells the man, “Oh, comrade commissar! If we took all the potatoes, they would reach the foot of […]
NOTHINGBURGER: NYT’s report on Trump’s taxes disappoints AGAIN
President Donald Trump has not been coy about his financial situation. During the 2016 election, Trump was candid about paying as little tax as possible. He has also been an open book about being the king of debt. Heck, his entire business model was his Trump brand. And yet, we are supposed to be shocked […]
Is it time to outlaw billionaires to appease Bernie Bros?
By: Bradley Thomas A mantra popularized by Bernie Sanders and like-minded progressives declares “billionaires should not exist.” The statement serves as both a declaration of the “immorality” of wealth inequality as well as a justification for steep confiscatory taxes on wealth favored by the likes of Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. While on the campaign trail last year, Sanders […]
Citi: Gold still forecast to hit record high before year’s end amid political risks
Gold prices have been in correction mode this month, sliding below $1,900. Silver has also been crashing this month, falling below $24. Does this mean the bull run is over? Not by a long shot, says Citigroup. The financial institution released its latest quarterly commodities outlook, and it believes the yellow metal will climb more […]
Federal Reserve balance sheet stabilizes, tops $7 trillion as stock market tanks
The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has stabilized this past summer, which could explain why the stock market has tanked in September. Although the U.S. central bank’s balance sheet is more than $7 trillion, the explosion in growth has leveled off. Here is what its total assets look like: Does this mean the Eccles Building’s stimulus […]