By: Andrew Moran Is the Afghanistan economy only weeks away from collapse? After 20 years and $2 trillion, the country rich in natural resources had become somewhat functional, equipped with infrastructure, health care, modern technology, and education. The nation failed to progress further due to political corruption, escalating violence, and, as the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan […]
People still working from home and still being productive
If you spend your day in an office sitting at a desk, why could you not be able to perform the same job in the comfort of your home? The coronavirus pandemic proved that most people can work from home and still be productive. Indeed, there was not a productivity crisis – and the data […]
Joe Manchin plans to save Coal Country
By: Andrew Moran For years, Washington and the globalist climate zealots have targeted the coal industry through various mechanisms, whether it is imposing new environmental regulations or subsidizing competing and well-connected green companies with tax dollars. Yet, despite these concentrated efforts to dismantle Coal Country, the fossil fuel source is not only surviving but also thriving in the […]
Is the U.S. preparing for an African Swine Flu outbreak in Puerto Rico, Virgin Territories?
First China. Now the U.S. Territories? The world’s largest pork consumer has been going through another wave of the African Swine Flu, which has decimated the nation’s pig herd. This has forced Beijing to import greater amounts of pork from the U.S. But there are concerns that the fatal pig disease could impact Puerto Rico […]
Ron Paul: From the Nixon Shock to Bidenflation
By: Ron Paul This month marks fifty years since President Richard Nixon closed the “gold window” that had allowed foreign governments to exchange US dollars for gold. Nixon’s action severed the last link between the dollar and gold, transforming the dollar into pure fiat currency. Since the “Nixon shock” of 1971, the dollar’s value — […]