Amid the rise of vaping and e-cigarettes, there has been one casualty: tobacco cigarettes. Don’t tell that to the federal government, which is prohibiting flavored-vaping products to protect people from themselves. “The United States has never seen an epidemic of substance use arise as quickly as our current epidemic of youth use of e-cigarettes,” Health […]
KEYNESIANISM: South Carolina spent $9 billion to dig a hole, fill it up
South Carolina read a few Paul Krugman blog posts and perused John Maynard Keynes’s work and applied some good old Keynesian economics. The Palmetto State spent $9 billion to dig a hole in the ground and then fill it back up. South Carolina taxpayers are now footing the bill. Here are details from The Intercept: […]
Capital vs. Labor: Ben Shapiro destroys socialist student on economics
When Ben Shapiro isn’t advocating for foreign interventions and regime changes, he can be pretty good on economics. Like this clip of Shapiro speaking to a left-leaning student who contends that labor is more important than capital because without his services than a factory would not succeed, which suggests higher compensation is in order. As […]
WATCH: Trump challenges ABC’s Jonathan Karl
One of the most annoying things about journalists is when they start their question with, “There are some people out there who say…” “What do you think about those who think…” They should just come out and say, “I think what you’re doing is awful and here is why…” Or, if they get their information […]
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers!
We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope you have the best Christmas ever! We will return to normal publishing on December 31, 2018.