Former UKIP leader and the head Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage was in Cleveland last week to attend the Republican National Convention (RNC). He wasn’t there to endorse Donald Trump or any other political candidate, though he has said that he would never vote for Hillary Clinton. Instead, he just provided his insight into the Brexit […]
Donald Trump changes stance on the minimum wage AGAIN, wants at least $10
Donald Trump was against the minimum wage and then he was completely for it and now he’s somewhat in favor of it. That’s what he confirmed at a recent press conference and in an interview with Fox News. Speaking at a press conference in Florida on Wednesday, Trump accused socialist Bernie Sanders of lying when […]
$15 minimum wage causes Sacramento bookstore to shut down
A local bookstore in Sacramento is shutting down. It isn’t closing its doors because people aren’t reading anymore or they’re strictly shopping on Amazon. Instead, it’s because of California’s new $15 minimum wage law. That’s right. For those who don’t think the minimum wage shuts down businesses and cuts jobs then here is another real-world […]
Marc Faber says gold should be 25% of portfolios to shield you from central banks
How much of your investment portfolio is in gold? Five percent? Ten percent? One contrarian investor believes that the yellow metal should control one-quarter of your portfolio. Speaking at a recent conference in Chicago, Marc Faber, the editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, encouraged investment professionals to have 25 percent of their portfolio […]
Media Collusion & Rewarding Big Donors: 5 of the biggest findings from DNC emails leak
Do you still think the system isn’t rigged? If the “Hillary Leaks” proves anything, it’s that politics is phony, though if you’re a staunch news junkie then you may have already realized this. The mainstream media is fake. Democrats portraying themselves as virtuous is fake. A lot of the push back against Bernie Sanders from […]