A Florida judge has determined that peer-to-peer decentralized digital currency bitcoin is not money. Despite the surge in popularity, particularly by statists, many officials are still backing away from the virtual currency. It was ruled on Monday by Circuit Court Judge Teresa Mary Pooler that bitcoin is not cash because it is not backed by […]
Week in Review: July 18 to July 24
In case you missed any of this week’s articles, here is a round-up of some of the most read pieces written by the Economic Collapse News staff: The Curious Case of Vanishing Lady Liberty; Only Gold and Silver Remember Her U.S. politicians already targeting Pokemon Go Video: Socialism makes people selfish #EqualPlayEqualPay T-shirts more about […]
Libertarians for Gary Johnson? 5 reasons libertarians can’t support Johnson
Forcing Jewish bakers to bake cakes for Nazis. Imposing a 23 percent sales tax. Supporting the United Nations. Calling Hillary Clinton a “wonderful public servant.” Favoring the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). No, these aren’t descriptors of a Democrat. They are descriptors of a libertarian presidential candidate. Gary Johnson, a former two-term Republican Governor from the beautiful […]
5 random things for a Friday (ECB’s interest rates, The Big Mac Index, Milton Friedman on free trade)
News Story of the Day: the European Central Bank (ECB) announced Thursday that it will leave key interest rates unchanged. According to the central bank, this is what interest rates will look like: ECB keeps main refinancing rate unchanged at 0.00 percent; leaves deposit facility rate unchanged at -0.40 percent; keeps marginal lending rate unchanged […]
Brazil’s Lost Decade: We Must Free Our Economy
By: Felipe Capella It was a lost decade for Latin America. Years of populist governments combined with a commodity boom turned out to be our oil curse, our Dutch Disease. This disastrous mix made bad public policies look like temporary successes, pushing developing countries to an unsustainable path. The collectivist ideology monopolized the debate for […]