Everything is now a microaggression. Everything we do now must be looked at through the lens of special snowflakes who are frightened of words. Every word uttered, every act performed, every move we make must be scrutinized as not to offend anyone. We all see monsters in our own shadows today. If you think it’s […]
Is renting always a waste of money? (video)
The cost of owning a home has gotten more expensive since the collapse of the housing market a few years back. Meanwhile, the cost of renting an apartment has also skyrocketed thanks to the Federal Reserve (SEE: 11 million Americans dedicating half of income to pay the rent). So, is renting always a waste of […]
The Fed and Ben Bernanke Are Wrong About the Natural Interest Rate
By: Joseph T. Salerno A few days before the last FOMC meeting The Wall Street Journal reported on the Fed’s hand wringing over its inability to identify the “natural rate of interest” and explain its recent movements. According to the report, the Fed uses the “mysterious natural rate” to guide its decisions in setting the target for the fed funds rate. […]
Study finds e-cigarettes caused one of the biggest drops in smoking rates
Where the government failed, the private sector succeeded. A new study suggests that e-cigarettes have helped cause one of the biggest drops in smoking rates ever recorded in Europe. Published in the journal Addiction, more than six million Europeans have quit smoking and an additional nine million have reduced their cigarette consumption thanks to e-cigarettes. […]
264,000 Texans want to secede from the Union following Brexit referendum
From Great Britain to Texas, the Lone Star State could finally have its secessionist moment fully realized. A few years ago, there was a movement in Texas to secede from the United States. At the time, then-Texas Governor Rick Perry just talked about it in passing, arguing that the Lone Star State could technically secede. […]