Across the United States, governments are imposing a $15 minimum wage as part of the Fight for $15 initiative. This means that a burger flipper will be earning $15 per hour.
In an effort to push back against the minimum wage, automation is being accelerated and businesses nationwide, and even around the world, are embracing robots and self-serve kiosks to perform the simplest of functions. These will help lower overall labor costs and lead to enhanced productivity and cheaper prices.
Of course, you may be thinking: they can’t possibly replace a burger flipper with a robot. Think again.
In the future (today?), burger flippers will be replaced with robots, and they will be earning $0 an hour as opposed to $15 per hour.
Miso Robotics Flippy Robot is generating headlines with its new kitchen assistant that flips burgers. The robot can also chop vegetables, deep fry foods and plate dishes.
Here is a video taking a look at this newest creation:
Adjusted for inflation since 1974 when I graduated High school minimum wage is 35% lower than it should be. Nice robot, but what does one cost? I noticed a human was putting the raw buggers on the grill. So are they going to need 2 robots so you do not cross contaminate the cooking burgers. Kiosks are one thing, but I do not think you are going to see many of these robots for many years. I will not use self checkout or ordering kiosks, they are jobs killers. I do not use ATMs or food ordering apps. Fight against the machines.
Cross contamination? At least you can maintain the robot and keep it clean. Who monitors employees to see if they wash their hands? I love the idea of Flippy. I love when the market solves a problem or fills a need. The unions are the culprits that lobby the politicians for a restrictive minimum wage that ultimately forces the employer to do what’s best for the business, especially small businesses. That ultimately results in hiring less employees and weeds out low skilled labor. High skilled labor replaces low skilled labor (the end result) and/or higher prices.
I know when the Health Dept. in each city get a look at it, they will be raising the issue.